Serving Stewards ofWestern Water Since 1993

We at Davids Engineering believe that sustainable irrigated agriculture is best achieved through enhancing agricultural productivity while improving environmental stewardship.

We envision passing along, to our children and grandchildren, a world with abundant food, clean water, and a thriving environment. 





From our initial focus on agricultural water management, we have gradually broadened our technical capabilities to include three tightly integrated groups focusing on Water, Infrastructure, and Technology (WIT). Our experience has shown that developing thoughtful solutions to western water challenges takes all the WIT we can muster.


Sustainable management of surface water and groundwater resources are core to our vision and the services we offer. Since 1993, we have been working with agricultural water suppliers across California to create and implement agricultural water management plans and efficient water management practices. Since California passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act in 2014, we have been working with Groundwater Sustainability Agencies to create plans that will ensure healthy aquifers, farms, and streams for future generations.


Wise water management requires modern infrastructure.  Davids Engineering collaborates closely with our clients to plan, design, build, and operate the infrastructure needed to improve water systems, including canal and diversion structures, regulating reservoirs, and pipelines. We help our clients through all stages of infrastructure development, from concept and design, to construction support.


At Davids Engineering, we are passionate about collecting, managing, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing data to enhance our understanding of how water systems work. We employ a variety of techniques and sensors to measure how water quantity and quality change in space and time, both on the land surface and below it.



Sustainable management of surface water and groundwater resources are core to our vision and the services we offer. Since 1993, we have been working with agricultural water suppliers across California to create and implement agricultural water management plans and efficient water management practices. Since California passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act in 2014, we have been working with Groundwater Sustainability Agencies to create plans that will ensure healthy aquifers, farms, and streams for future generations.



Wise water management requires modern infrastructure.  Davids Engineering collaborates closely with our clients to plan, design, build, and operate the infrastructure needed to improve water systems, including canal and diversion structures, regulating reservoirs, and pipelines. We help our clients through all stages of infrastructure development, from concept and design, to construction support.



At Davids Engineering, we are passionate about collecting, managing, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing data to enhance our understanding of how water systems work. We employ a variety of techniques and sensors to measure how water quantity and quality change in space and time, both on the land surface and below it.


Latest updates about Davids Engineering’s perspectives, team, and projects. 

Job Opportunity – Associate/Senior Agricultural Water Resources Engineer 

Jacob Winslow receives 2024 Byron A. Clark Excellence of Character Award

Examining water quality at Big Chico Creek and Little Chico Creek

Three Locations To Serve


1772 Picasso Avenue, Ste A
Davis, CA 95618

(530) 757-6107


1095 Nelson Street,
Ste 130   
Chico, CA 95928

(530) 757-6107


346 East F Street, 
Ste A
Oakdale, CA 95361

(530) 757-6107

Get In Touch