Wise Water Management Requires Modern Infrastructure

Water wouldn’t be able to serve our agricultural and urban uses effectively if it was not for the extensive infrastructure in place. California’s water infrastructure plays an integral role to keeping water flowing and getting it to the appropriate crops, facilities and faucets.

Water infrastructure that can be operated and maintained effectively is a foundational requirement for good water management. Davids Engineering provides a broad range of engineering services to support the planning, design and construction of facilitates for irrigation and drainage ranging from individual fields to entire irrigation districts.

One example of our work in modernizing infrastructure was the Moore Siphon Replacement Project in 2019-2020. Early in the 2019 irrigation season, Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (YCFCWCD) had a vital 60” siphon pipeline catastrophically fail, which initiated an emergency declaration to construct a replacement. Davids Engineering collaborated with the YCFCWCD staff and then selected a design-build approach to expedite the design and implementation of a 900-foot-long, twin 54” Class III reinforced concrete pipe encased in concrete, a reinforced concrete inlet structure with emergency spill outlet, and a riprapped outlet. Several strategic engineering and construction solutions were required to enable a replacement adjacent to the old siphon. With our services, full capacity irrigation deliveries were successfully resumed in 2020.

In 2017-2018, we partnered with the Hart Ranch to perform on-farm irrigation improvements. The Water Supply Consolidation and Distribution System Improvement Project included the installation of 7,500 linear feet of 12”, 18” and 21” diameter PVC pipeline to replace earthen ditches and improve irrigation distribution and delivery efficiency on the ranch. The design included a reinforced concrete inlet structure for surface water inflow and several strategically placed open-topped standpipes for pressure regulation and connection of three on-ranch groundwater wells. Design services required hydraulic modeling to evaluate and estimate the capacity and capability of the system to meet various supply scenarios with different outflow location scenarios. The project serves as a critical backbone conveyance feature that has improved irrigation flexibility and water use efficiency.

These are just two of many examples that highlight our focus on developing the best infrastructure solutions to meet any given need. We strive to provide these services in a manner that provides high-quality operations in a practical and cost-effective manner. Learn more about our infrastructure solutions here.