In 2017-2018, the GSAs comprising the Madera and Chowchilla Subbasins began developing comprehensive, coordinated GSPs to comply with the requirements of SGMA. The team led by Davids Engineering was contracted to develop data needs assessments for each subbasin in 2017, and to proceed with coordinated GSP development for each subbasin beginning in 2018.
The GSPs were developed through a phased, iterative process that was guided through active engagement with GSAs and stakeholders across the adjacent subbasins. Activities were strategically sequenced to meet an aggressive schedule, leveraging longstanding water management planning activities in each subbasin when possible. Interrelated components of each GSP were developed in parallel when appropriate and efficient. Key efforts included development of interrelated water budgets and groundwater modeling across both subbasins; integrated analyses of the feasibility, benefits, and costs of existing and potential projects and management actions to meet sustainability goals; and coordination with other GSPs in the Madera Subbasin.
The Davids Engineering team successfully completed and submitted the Chowchilla and Madera Subbasin GSPs in January 2020, and have since completed the first Annual Reports for each GSP in compliance with the SGMA requirements for critically overdrafted subbasins. These plans will provide for economic, societal, and environmental sustainability in the Madera and Chowchilla Subbasins.